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Saver Service

What to do on a tight budget

Sometimes the budget is tight. But that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on having your texts proofread. Better a fast-wash programme at Anne Fries than no wash at all. Here we have put together some tips for what you can leave out.


Don’t cut out any steps at all

Treat yourself and your client to the full premium service: the Anne Fries 360° front-to-back-and-A-to-Z complete check, carried out according to our TÜV-approved workflow. Our usual premium standard for an absolutely fair price. The outcome: a highly professional result, a good feeling and a completely happy client. This saves: time, frazzled nerves, hassle and probably also money – because subsequent changes or revisions are avoided.


Cut out the cross-job consistency check

In this case, we will ignore your corporate language and correct your text according to general language rules, as if there were no yesterday or tomorrow. So for this job, we won’t refer to your terminology requirements or specific wording. We also won’t read your text with subsequent jobs in mind: specific wording won’t be saved for future proofreads – too bad.


Don’t have the consistency of the wording checked

In this job we ignore the consistency  of key terms. We leave whatever is correct, even if it crops up two or three times in alternative correct forms – and is thereby a little wrong. So, we leave for example in the first paragraph and e.g. in the second. Also next to EUR or Euro, % next to per cent, kWh next to kilowatt hour. We let tin foil, tin-foil and aluminium foil all get through the net. Here three employees, there 4 injection-moulding plants, here twelve locations and there 11 anniversaries – okay, just this once.


Leave out typographic corrections

If you choose to ignore typographic standards then dashes, inverted commas, spaces, thin spaces, slashes, apostrophes, etc. stay how they are – regardless of whether they’re right or wrong; like this here, and like that there. However, ignoring correct typography can be problematic, because it can unconsciously distract the reader. And of course, for connoisseurs of typography, these mistakes will stick out like a sore thumb. If you want to save on our typography check, you’ll be missing out on the professional icing on the cake, but you may get away with it, depending on the type of job. Then just let us know: «Typography ?—thanks but no thanks. . .”


Don’t have your text double-checked

One quick-and-dirty read-through to iron out as many spelling and grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, typographical flaws, inconsistencies and deviations from the corporate language? That’s definitely better than nothing, even if it’s a little hairy. It’s not for nothing that we usually follow our TÜV-approved workflow. But if it’s not that important, our “simple proofread” might be what you’re looking for. This saves: a few frazzled nerves and up to 20% of the proofreading time.


Skip the proofread altogether

The result: with a bit of luck, the text might be printed without any mistakes, but it will be a matter of luck. So just be aware, if you’re reading this, you are verrry close to trading in certainty and peace of mind for winging it.

This saves: the cost of a proofread, of course. But it doesn’t save the time you’ll spend reading it yourself, and reading it again, and reading it a third time just to be sure. You’ll just have to keep your fingers crossed.

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